What is wrong with melenials?

Tom Bilyeu has said that melenials have lost motivation and value of what is important in life. How you are brought up and how your parents raise you shows everything about your character later in life. There are parents who will call to have their child in the honors class, or who will talk to the coach so they don't sit on the bench and the teacher/coach will do what they say because it is easier than dealing with them. Then these children grow up and realize that their parents cannot get them that promotion in life, etc, and that they have to achieve it themselves. But I believe this generation is the most determined to be successful in my opinion and are constantly coming up with innovation, new ideas, very high IQ scores. You cannot just look at a certain portion of the generation because that is not accurate. Technology is a huge part of today's society, there are downfalls to it but there is also advantages of this. I think that when we grow up and go to college, we build a self image for ourselves, not from your parents anymore. You meet friends, you find out where you fit in groups, the parties, your major that you determine and pass, etc. Tom said that technology has the same amount of dopamine that alcohol and drugs do, and says this is how we deal with society. Also says that we do not know how to value a relationship, the morals are gone, etc. Which in my opinion is not true, I believe that how you are brought up and raised shows how you treat your relationship in life. Social coping mechanisms are gone because of tinder. Tom says things that really matter like love, self fulfillment, they take time and it is a long difficult process.
